How are you? I’m a graphic designer currently based in the SF Bay Area. I earned my BFA at Laguna College of Art + Design in Laguna Beach, CA in 2017. My work focuses on motion graphics and brand identity with skills in illustration and experiential design. I’ve previously been at Droga5, Hub Collective, and Electronic Arts with clients including The New York Times, Chase, City of Portland, Pleasant Hill, CA, Target and 826 Valencia. 
A Rebranding of The United States Green Party


Brand Identity
Experential Design
Social Media

The Green Party stands as one of the sucesses in breaking through the United States bi-partisan system. This project aims to bring the parties traits of unity and diversity forward into their identity as well as introduce newcomers to their ‘four pillars’ in a straight-forward and informative way.

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A big part of targeting younger demographics is engaging with them in a smart way. More than just the usual advertising and campaigning, utilizing platforms such as Snapchat it allows people to take charge of their political views.

To see it as more than just voting in elections but upholding the beliefs that the four pillars stand for in a engaging and casual way.

The bike cart acts a eco friendly way to navigate cities and promote the Green Party.

The removable platforms can act as boxes for protest or simply a place to gather for discourse. 

The tea act as a way to create community through sharing a cup of tea and sitting down to talk about differences.

There are four varieties with each relating to one of the four pillars.